Keunsthûs SYB is yn 2000 ûntstien út de neilittenskip fan Sybren Hellinga yn Beetstersweach, mei it doel om gâns ûnthjittende keunstners yn kontakt te bringen mei publyk en de omkriten. It rike kultuerlânskip en Fryslâns ûnderbeljochte skiednissen binne dan ek faak de ynspiraasjeboarnen foar projekten dy’t mei de bewenners ûntwikkele wurde.

As described above in Frisian, Kunsthuis SYB was founded in 2000 in Beetsterzwaag in the estate of Sybren Hellinga (founder of the former art gallery) with the aim of bringing promising artists into contact with the local public and the environment. The rich cultural landscape and underexposed history of Fryslân are often the source of inspiration for projects that are developed.

Today, Kunsthuis SYB is an art space with workshops, public presentations, research residencies and exhibitions. Moreover, SYB organises an art prize and a triennial, in which local and (inter)national artists participate.

The unique location in a village in a rural region offers a place for alternative reflection. SYB promotes a unique and fertile environment for contemporary art within the international discourse, while being closely connected to a local non-art audience.

Kunsthuis SYB is centrally located in a monumental building on the main street of the village of Beetsterzwaag. The ground floor is, as it were, the public interface of the organization. The front part hosts artistic presentations. The second and third floors consist of a kitchen, a large living room and an apartment for artists who conduct research through residencies. This homely atmosphere remains present in the working methodology.