Sanne Kabalt

Sanne Kabalt presents a series of works dealing with lullabies, language and motherhood. Songs that are sung to lull children to sleep often seem to serve another purpose as well: to express the worries of the singer. The recipient of the song does not yet speak a language and is soothed by a familiar voice, rocking rhythm and melancholy melody. But meanwhile, the singer can give voice to their own doubts and troubles in the lyrics. Night, Mother, is a work about the darkness found within lullabies. In the exhibition it takes shape as an audio piece with a voice singing new combinations of original lullabies, and photographs depicting a mother and daughter’s merging shadows.

Sanne makes installations, videos and publications around themes such as mourning, mental illness and the relationship between humans and nature. Based on the content of her projects, she often arrives at new forms during the process.

Sanne Kabalt lives and works in Haarlem. After her studies in photography at the Utrecht School of the Arts, she obtained her MA degree from the Dutch Art Institute in Arnhem. Her work has been exhibited, amongst others, at Sea Foundation,Tilburg, Beautiful Distress, Amsterdam, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart and Razklon, Tsarino.